Catoire's Vintage and Antique Mall
Boasting of an approximate 27,000 sq. feet containing items for EVERY COLLECTORS taste, you will no doubt enjoy searching for anything from comic books, household appliances but also ranging to rare and beautiful antiques, jewelry and rare coins. We also have custom made jewelry that is a must see as well as in-store floral arrangements. There are 9 vendors available at this time and if you are interested in a vendor space. Stop by and visit a spell!
210 West Main Street
Ville Platte, Louisiana 70586
Cottage Couture
Beautiful antiques and unique pieces you will find no place else! This is a perfect place to have on your list of things to do or places to visit while in Evangeline Parish.
Cottage Couture Vendors include:
Sacred Treasures
Meme's Attic
The Pantry
Petal Press Decor
Gold Moss Designs
Vintage Kathryn Louise
Also enjoy lunch at Cottage Couture while you recharge during your shopping!
122 S. Soileau St
Ville Platte, LA 70586