Le Grand Hoorah
By: Linzay Paul Young
The inaugural celebration of “Le Grand Hoorah” production began in April 2015 as a way to mark the beginning of a new era of cultural preservation in Acadiana / Evangeline Parish near the historic city of Ville Platte, Louisiana. Since the festival first emerged, it was welcomed and supported by the local communities who were passionate about the cultural and historical experiences their ancestors (many of whom were Cajun and Creole musicians, dancers, story tellers and exceptional cooks) had shared with them.
“Le Grand Hoorah” was supposed to be a “party with a purpose” not content to be just another throw-down that would leave you glad that you had Sunday to recover; the “Hoorah” promised to bring together the most dedicated and fun-loving torch bearers of Cajun and Creole culture in an effort to fulfill the mission of Prairie Heritage, Inc., to create and foster relationships focused on preserving the music, food, language, and folk arts of the people of Acadiana; all while celebrating our heritage with a multi-faceted event that would surely raise the bar for festivals in Louisiana.
The “Hoorah” begins with a French Opening Catholic Blessing, songs by our French Immersion children, and ending with a Catholic French Mass on Sunday morning, while of course, boasting some of the best music and food around, but also camping, boating, swimming, fishing, and fun for the whole family.