Mamou Mardi Gras Celebration
"Courir de Mardi Gras - Begging for gumbo ingredients
Traditionally known as Courir de Mardi Gras, festivities occur in towns throughout central Louisiana’s Cajun Country. Rooted in French medieval history and brought to Louisiana in the 19th century, Courir de Mardi Gras has many rituals that come together in a celebration on Fat Tuesday (Feb. 25, 2020). It's commonly referred to as "the real Mardi Gras."
The main event in a Cajun Country Mardi Gras is the traditional courir or “run” led by the capitaine of the Mardi Gras. Costumed and masked participants on horseback, foot or trailer make their way through the neighborhood performing another ancient ritual: begging. Yes, begging! In Tee-Mamou, the capitaine raises a flag to let Mardi Gras runners know to dismount their trucks and approach the house, chanting a traditional “begging song” called Le chanson de Mardi Gras.
Communities throughout Louisiana's central prairies have their own particular take on Courir de Mardi Gras. In general, though, revelers go from house to house singing and dancing for the owners in order to get different ingredients, a communal gumbo to be served later that evening. The last ingredient, and the highlight of the entire celebration, is the chicken.
Courir de Mardi Gras - Running
All attention is on that chicken, so it's a thrill to watch costumed revelers chase after that chicken, the highlight of the communial gumbo.
In addition to the run, you'll see colorful costumes, hear traditional Mardi Gras songs and taste authentic Cajun cooking." -Louisiana Travel Association
For more information on the events happening for Mamou Mardi Gras, visit Evangeline Parish Tourism's facebook page!